Well, like it or not the weather is moving into cooler temps again. That means its time to start thinking about the winter.
Here at our place, we've been canning away. So far we've made 6 pints of crabapple jelly (from scavenged apples), 20 quarts of apple sauce (from scavenged windfall apples), and many pints of dill and beet pickles (from cukes and beets from the market). We've also been saving herbs. Dried dill and basil. 13 heads of garlic braided and hanging in the kitchen for use. 8 globes of kohlrabi sitting on a cellar shelf.
Fall is also the time to be saving seeds- specifically mustard and beans seeds are ready to be collected or are close to it.
Add to all this that our 3 hens are laying quite steadily (65 eggs in August) we're in pretty good shape for the upcoming months!
Looking ahead, I've started fermenting my way through "Wild Fermentation". My first crock of sauerkraut is fermenting as I write, and we're looking at a larger plot of land (1/3 acre vs 1/10 acre) to move to and start a CSA on top of our foodstuffs. You can expect to hear more about both soon!